Oct 21, 2020
The United States Department of Justice reports that over 650,000 people are released from prison every year. Unfortunately, studies show that approximately two-thirds of those released will likely be rearrested within three years. The Workforce Wire podcast series, “Walking in My Shoes”, features returning citizens who have successfully transitioned from incarceration and identify, in their words, why they were successful, why many are not successful, and what can be done to decrease the recidivism rates of returning citizens. Part 4 features entrepreneur & justice reform advocate, Marcus Bullock. Following his 2004 release from prison, Marcus Bullock launched a construction business that grew to employ other returning citizens. Bullock is also the Founder & CEO of Flikshop, Inc., a software company that builds tools to help incarcerated people stay connected to their families and build community. He is also a member of the Justice Policy Institute's Board of Directors and serves as an advisor to the Aspen Institute’s Opportunity Youth Incentive Fund.